About once or twice a month, I lead the first portion of the worship service at Redeemer Church. One part of this is the Prayer for our Needs. We pray for the folks in our church both generally and specifically, for our community, ministries, and more. This past Sunday, I included in this prayer a portion on our expectations for the Christmas gatherings and celebrations coming up. We live in a world under the curse, so it shouldn't surprise us when our gatherings of family and friends fall short of what we expected them to be.
In all these times of getting together we may have accidents, such as knocking over the gravy boat, or we may have strained relationships with individuals we will see. Both of these are hard and try our patience. Also, we may have a bit of melancholy as we look around and think of individuals who have died or are not able to be with us.
Well, sometimes these prayers during worship are needed most by the person that prays them. This week, we came back to Sylva from visiting family and Kristy came down very sick at her stomach. No one wants that kind of reality to intrude when we have a few days at home before going to another Christmas gathering. These were supposed to be a few relaxing days at the house, plus a little last-minute shopping and preparation. This turned in to laundry, dad alone doing the final shopping and wrapping (scary), sleeping in the "guest room" (a.k.a. Lydia's spare bed), making tea and toast, etc. We had to give up on making a trifle to take to the family gathering when I saw the preparation of it was anything but trifling.
I can say that all the presents are purchased and physically here. Their wrapping may be a bit... asymmetrical but they are covered and very likely labeled correctly. Kristy is on the mend and we'll get to the gathering eventually.
I share all this for a few reasons. First, don't think your pastors or elders are above sin. My attitude was mostly good, but certainly not perfect about all this. I so easily grow weary in serving others. I admit my own disappointment and anger over this change in circumstances. Second, this is a reminder that we'll all find expectations unmet sometime this month, and probably this very day. I encourage you to do your best to love and serve others and look for what is good and encouraging when your circumstances change.
Third, for my brothers and sisters in Christ, there is an event, a gathering one day that will exceed all our expectations.
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” - Revelation 21:3-4Our brother, Jesus, will return one day to make all things new. No more death, mourning, crying, or pain. Forever. No more strained relationships. No more stomach bugs. I don't know if we'll be able accidentally spill the gravy boat, but it won't result in disaster and anger. And we will have the presence of our heavenly father with us. So, I encourage you to plod away today. Do your best to look back and celebrate the incarnation of Jesus, but also look ahead with hope to his coming again.
Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/food-summer-office-garden-6518667/
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